Organization Info
Who Are We?
Welcome to the Twin Cities Oracle Users Group (TCOUG)! TCOUG is a not for profit organization of approximately 500 members located in the Minneapolis/St.Paul (Twin Cities) area of Minnesota. We bring together IT professionals from across the area (and nation) to share Oracle expertise, experiences, and knowledge about Oracle database products. TCOUG provides excellent educational and networking opportunities to Oracle professionals, with its roots dating back to the 1980's.
Quarterly Meetings
We host quarterly full-day workshops for members. Each meeting has a different theme looking to address current, relevant topics or products for our industry.
Member quarterly meetings are held at various locations around the Twin Cities. High quality seminars are conducted by professionals in their field of expertise on a wide range of Oracle related topics. There are opportunities for members to network with peers, exchange ideas, discuss issues and experiences throughout the day.
Take time out of your busy schedule four times a year to increase your knowledge, meet other Oracle professionals, ask presenters questions and add value to your skill set with the best practices learned.
Volunteer Opportunities
Members are encouraged to share their experiences with others, by providing articles for publication on our website, presenting a topic at the quarterly meeting, or volunteering for a board position. Contact any board member to volunteer.
Contact Us
The Twin Cities Oracle users Group welcomes your comments and inquiries. Please feel free to Contact Us
TCOUG is the sole owner of the information collected on this site and from members. We only have access to/collect information that you voluntarily give us via email or other direct contact from you. We will not sell or rent this information to anyone. See our Privacy Policy for more details.